SoulRise Physical Therapy, LLC

Pelvic Girdle Pain

Pelvic girdle pain is a common yet often misunderstood condition that can result from misalignment during pregnancy. It can cause discomfort in various areas of the body, such as the front or back of the pelvis, lower back, hips, legs, and even the pelvic floor. The severity of the pain can range from mild and irritating to completely debilitating. However, it\’s important to know that suffering is not necessary, and relief can be obtained before giving birth.

Engaging in certain activities may trigger pain, including walking, climbing stairs, turning in bed, and getting in or out of a car or chair. If you are experiencing pelvic girdle pain, you are not alone.
Approximately 20% of pregnant women encounter this condition, and its effects can persist for more than three months after delivery, sometimes even longer. Research has revealed that the degree of asymmetry between the right and left sides of the pelvis plays a role in its development.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to alleviate pelvic girdle pain. First and foremost, it is important to prioritize stability over flexibility. Avoid excessive stretching and focus on maintaining stability. Wearing supportive footwear, such as athletic shoes with good stability, can be beneficial. In addition, when getting dressed, avoid standing on one leg; instead, try sitting down and pulling each pant leg on. Similarly, when entering or exiting a car or bed, keep your legs together as if you were wearing an imaginary pencil skirt.

Improving your sleep posture can also help. Try sleeping with a pillow between your legs and gently squeeze it before turning over in bed. When navigating stairs, consider going up sideways, as this can help alleviate discomfort. Furthermore, be mindful of how you carry your belongings. Avoid heavy bags on one side and opt for a backpack or cross-body bag instead. During intercourse, positions that keep your legs together can help prevent pain.

Limiting activities that exacerbate the pain is essential. For example, try to limit walking or standing to no more than 20 minutes at a time. By modifying your daily routine and avoiding heavy lifting, you can minimize the strain on your pelvis.

It is vital to seek professional help if you experience pain in the front or back of your pelvis, hips, back, legs, or pelvic floor during pregnancy or postpartum. Inform your healthcare provider about your symptoms, and they may recommend consulting a physical therapist who specializes in women\’s health. They will guide you through exercises specifically tailored to your pelvic pattern and teach you behavioral changes to prevent future occurrences. These changes may include proper positioning during sleep, sitting, standing, and transitioning from sitting to standing.

Remember, pelvic girdle pain is a condition that can be managed, and you don\’t have to suffer needlessly. Seek the support and guidance of healthcare professionals to ensure a more comfortable pregnancy and postpartum experience.